Community Has Been A Part of Every Job I've Had

I’m a passionate gatherer of people.

Looking back at every sales enablement role I've held at previous hyper-growth startups, I realized that I jumped at the opportunities to help build community.

It was never in my formal remit but it’s what made me feel more alive so I let myself be pulled by this force—


Trying to launch a Toastmasters Chapter for Sprinklr HQ.

Planning meetups with my boss at Procore for Sales Enablement Society


Raising my hand to lead the CreatorIQ All Hands experience for global employees


Last year, I moved to Seoul and volunteered as a community leader for Seoul Startups, an international group of designers, developers, and entrepreneurs. It was so much fun.

I think it’s my Modus operandi

To look back even further, when I was leading a public speaking club in university, I created this “rule” that every board member had to speak to a newcomer after the meeting. The intention is that people felt seen. It was to plan against a scenario where a student comes to one of our meetings, no one notices her to say hi and then she leaves without anyone even knowing she was there. It is the anti-goal of every campaign and event I lead, professionally or personally in my life.

Relationships are Everything

This is one of my current core values. I have held this one over the past years and lately, it’s been tested.

When I find the right people, it stays true. Relationships are everything.

Doing work to bring people together gets me in flow.