On Pause

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It’s a summer of pause.

As New York City re-emerges with its flood of new residents and comeback energy, I’m stepping away from it all.

I had the availability to move. I am choosing to be still. While I’m not moving, I am breathing. Breathing is moving because my rib cage is still expanding.

This pause in my life is powerful like the way pauses are powerful in speeches.

My storytelling tutor said something along the lines of “taking time to slow down the process of work without making my real life’s work slow.”

It’s important that I honor this time

  • Rest the body, rest the mind

  • Keep a loose schedule; I need some structure for freedom

  • Deeply listen to conversations I’m having and see how I feel about them

  • Drink more water

  • Look at the sky more

  • Breathe

  • Morning runs without music

A shift in my life is happening.

Before I go into the next flow, I want to come to peace with the phase I’m in now.

Breath flow, brain flow, body flow, communications flow.

“When we pause, allow a gap and breathe deeply, we can experience instant refreshment. Suddenly, we slow down, look out, and there’s the world.”
— Pema Chödrön
Kaila LimComment