A Life Lesson I Learned the Hard Way

Some people won’t like you because you like you and while that might suck, the latter is always more important.

I’m not talking about the narcissistic I’m-better-than-you-all type of liking yourself. I’m referring to the self-love and good feelings one should have toward themselves, especially during times of growth and accomplishments. 

I like me best when I am giving things my best. In school, I had so-called "friends" who passively made me feel bad about myself and often told me that I was always trying too hard (whether it be my new club officer position, a new friendship I wanted to nurture, or class project I wanted to ace). Whenever they did this, I toned myself down. I retracted my ambition and strong efforts because I cared more about them liking me, even if it meant not giving things my all. I did this for years. 

You see, eventually, I learned that when you like yourself, you also want the best for yourself and if your friends truly like you, they will, too. Finding such type of friends is hard but it’s critical that you do- they’re out there. I’m thankful to have found a few in my life right now.

It’s so much more important that you like you and that you’re happy with how you’re doing than other people’s feelings toward you. Don’t compromise, ever, please.
