My Most Frequently Used Websites & Apps

For organization: 

  • Google Calendar: 95% of all my plans -both work and social- are booked in my Google Calendar, which is synced with my iPhone's calendar so I always know what's coming up and my favorite- when to depart my location to arrive on time. When I create events in Google Calendar, I'll also set alerts to remind me hours before if it's a presentation or days before if it's a friend's birthday. 
  • iOS Reminders: You always think you'll remember, but never do... at least I don't and I can't tell you how many times I've come home to having to scrape the last of the toothpaste after cutting the tube in thirds. Once you know/remembered, WRITE IT IN and set a date/location so your phone will ping you until you've marked it done.
  • Notes: This app has become my dumping grounds for friends' addresses, songs to listen to, photo caption ideas, ready to be copy & pasted hashtags, poem drafts, favorite quotes, shopping lists, mini to-do lists, and contact info of people I may have just met. My Notes serve as a catch-all for everything I'll need to refer back to. Sure, it could be more organized but I like knowing that there's one app that will have it all and the search functionality is perfect.  Every other month, I'll scroll through and delete or move content. 

For learning:

  • Quora: This is a question-and-answer site where people can ask questions about anything and it gets answered by its community of users, who will usually identify themselves with experience in the area of the inquiry. Basically, you get to learn insights on different areas of life from real people who know what they're talking about (or claim to, because internet). Some of my favorite writers on Quora are James Altucher, Jeff Wu, and Nicolas Cole - all focus on personal development. 
  • New York Times Newsletters: While I subscribe to their news briefings which gives me a rundown of what's going on around the world, in business, and some other noteworthy news, what I really love are their newsletters. They offer weekly newsletters in Climate Change, Sports, Theater Updates, Big City Book Club and more. I subscribe to the Running and Smarter Living ones and sometimes I'll skim, sometimes I'll read but each time - I do learn something new. 
  • Podcasts: It's been about 1 year since I've replaced music with podcasts during my morning commutes. My Top 3 are The James Altucher Show, Freakonomics Radio, and Planet Money. I'll probably write a separate blog post on why I love these. 

For staying social & keeping in touch: 

  • Instagram: Yeah, you all know what this is. But more specifically, Instagram Stories. Great way to know what your friends are up to... this is both good and bad but I've found that posting on Instagram does a stellar job of connecting you with new people of similar interests and reconnecting you with old friends. 
  • LinkedIn: You should all know what this is... right? It's the perfect platform to keep in touch with your network and to grow it. You can search individuals from particular companies, locations, or etc. You can follow your favorite industry influencers. My favorite feature? The announcement on my homepage whenever a colleague or friend starts a new job or gets a promotion. I love praising people for making their next move.