The Evolution of my Personal Life Philosophies

I appreciate that my life philosophies change. It makes sense because I am in a constant state of change.

When I launched this website is what I began to write them down more purposefully. Every time I feel that I’ve upleveled in life, it has required a different version of me.


My latest life philosophy can be found on my home page.

Here’s mine for March 2021:

Decide what you want and be willing to be uncomfortable to get it.

It’s in my nature to move fast and try everything. As a result, I have stretched my comfort zone and reestablished my limitations countless times and I think I’m just getting started. I’m lucky to know that I thrive in a sense of controlled chaos. It’s what attracts me to early startups and new projects.

Growth is uncomfortable — creating, publishing, story sharing, cold emailing, moving abroad, fasting are all uncomfortable for me.

But what I am seeking lies in the process of doing things like the above, just to name a few.

The best things in my life grew from discomfort, instability, and pain. You need to know a darkness to really appreciate the light.


Before I thought this way, I had other life philosophies and approaches

Here’s what I thought last year in 2020.

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3 years ago

This was the draft of my “About Me” section for the 2018 version of Kaila

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Why Life philosophies are important

Life philosophies are these mental compasses we create for ourselves. They guide us on decisions and relationships.

I like to publish them because they serve 2 purposes:

  1. It filters people who agree, understand, or relate to it

  2. It stamps a moment in time when I strongly centered my world around that specific way of thinking, often stemming from other beliefs

This article today is important to me because it’s like a mental tattoo — “here world, here’s what was on my heart at this specific point in time!!!”