2 Steps to get Yourself Mentally Back on Track

Sometimes life decides to hit us on the head with a brick.

I felt so thrown off my game. I lost a sense of purpose. My internal dialogue was filled with questions like “what are you doing with your life?” “people younger than you have startups.” “are you even sure of your passions?” “your friends are buying houses, owning real estate, building wealth.” “seriously, what are you doing?”

Questions that come out of the blue. In the state of mind that I was in, I couldn’t address them and I didn’t want to.

What Old Me Would have Done

In the past, I would’ve FaceTimed my friends and told them my worries, opening up that internal dialogue. I would wait for their responses of reassurance because hearing someone else tell you that you’re doing okay is comforting.

I needed to feel validated.

On what grounds? I had no idea.

Here’s the problem — external validation is a short term fix. I learned years ago not to outsource my confidence like that anymore.

So Here’s What I Did Instead

  1. I took a realistic assessment of where I was and how I felt.

  2. I leaned into everything that naturally gives me energy.

2nd, we embark on doing all the things that naturally give me energy.

This helps lift me out of that weird, low vibrational state because my mind takes cues from what my body is doing - so running and moving play a big role in my life.

1st, I explain how I felt and why it’s important not to rush it.

Life is peaks and valleys on a micro and macro scale. It is always a flow. You can’t have one without the other. I enjoy both when I’m present and not trying to “escape” the valley phase and hurry my way to a peak.