5 Newsletters To Help You Improve Yourself

Have you heard? Email is fun again.

When it’s the stuff you want to read. Long gone are the days when your personal email was only used for follow-ups, boarding passes, and retail marketing tactics.

I am all about upgrading the life you live, starting with your inbox. It’s time to include high value content for personal investment to come through on the regular.

Here are 5 incredible email subscriptions that I want to share with you:

  1. PRSUIT - features entrepreneurial lifestyle and personal development pieces

  2. Morning Brew - takes the BS out of business news, straight the point, what you need to know from Wall Street to Silicon Valley

  3. ELEVATOR - targets more of a male audience (you'll see) but still some neat professional development content around leadership skills, success behavior, and media phenomenons

  4. GRIT - curates articles across personal development and career growth

  5. New York Times Newsletter - offers a ton of different sections you can subscribe to, I have been hooked on Running one. You can control the cadence it sends

Use email to make you a better you.

And if this stuff is your jam, then here’s a list of the best business podcasts you’ll really enjoy.

Go get ‘em.

Kaila Lim