Coffee Challenge: 3 Things I Learned About Rejection

One thing that's been holding me back this year is my ego.

For the past three months, I've been getting in the way of myself by avoiding rejection. Simply for the reason that it hurts.

Nick Notas summarizes the progression pretty well: You feel insecure > You build a wall to protect yourself > You refuse to put yourself in vulnerable situations that challenge your insecurities (ie. getting rejected) > You take chances rarely and when they don't work out, your entire wall comes crumbling down > You become frustrated.

My thoughts, how can I fix this? 

Avoiding rejection is a guaranteed way to stay insecure and this needs to change. I need to develop thicker skin. So inspired by Jessica Joo, I decided to try small, manageable rejections and work my way up. 

To start, I took on Noah Kagan's Coffee Challenge and here are 3 things I learned.