3 Signs to Tell That You Need to Change Your Lifestyle

1. You are having a HARD TIME getting out of bed every morning

Mental: And it’s not because you haven’t slept enough or you’re exhausted from working but because you feel drained and unmotivated. This is a huge sign. You don’t feel this way because you have done too much. It is because you’re doing too little of what sparks a light in you.

Revisit your WHY.

Why are you doing what you’re doing? If you’re rising and grinding to pay off bills and pursuing your dreams after work then keep your head down and stay focused. But if you’re in a dead-end job and you hate your life, it’s time to carve a new path.


2. You keep carrying over a balance on your credit cards month over month

Finance: Having credit card debt is unhealthy and if you don’t tackle that right away, consider yourself tossing your hard earned cash into the trash. Yup, that high interest you’re paying the bank is equivalent to burning money.

Pay it off ASAP

If you’re getting hit with late fees, try calling the bank’s customer service, they’re usually good with waiving 1–2 of them.

3. Your clothes fit tighter on you than they used to

Physical / Fitness: You’re putting on weight, my friend. We look at ourselves each day in the mirror and we don’t notice when we’ve gained some pounds. Unless you’re building bigger muscles or your clothes shrunk, having them feel tighter on you is a solid sign that you might want to change your diet and shave off some fat.

Drink a lot of water, workout and eat less

Take body measurements over the pounds on a scale because muscle weighs more than fat. Be patient with the process. Eating healthier will make you feel happier.