5 Subtle Signs of Someone Who Doesn't Have High Self-Esteem

  1. They over apologize 
    Because saying “sorry” has become their second nature and it rolls off the tongue so easily since having low self-esteem means they feel like they are always in the wrong.
    Someone bumps into them - “sorry”
    Someone cuts them off mid-sentence - “sorry, go ahead”
    Asking to go back a slide in a presentation - “sorry, can you go back a slide?”

  2. They speak in a low voice 
    Because they don’t think what they’re saying is important enough to speak loud and clearly and they don’t believe that their opinions are important for people to hear

  3. They say “nevermind” instead of repeating themselves again when no one heard them the first time
    Because they think that what they said was dumb and no one wants to hear it anyway

  4. They walk with caved shoulders and poor posture
    Because lacking self-esteem means you feel badly about yourself and the first place it shows is in body language. People who walk with slumped-over posture often have very low self confidence, low enough that they don’t feel good about themselves to walk tall and take up their space in the world

  5. They are first to offer to give up their seat when crowded
    Because they don’t think they are worth taking up the space so they try to be “useful” by making space. They outsource their confidence by thinking they’re being helpful to the crowd when actually giving up their spot at the table because they feel inconvenient and think someone else is more important than them isn’t doing anyone any help.

I know these 5 among plenty others because when I was a lot younger, I didn’t have much self-esteem. I used to feel and think badly about myself. I knew that because in grade school, I would see other girls being happier and liked and they had a lot of friends and were having fun— you get the picture.

I had a lot of insecurities and low self-esteem and I worked extremely hard to overcome and now I feel fabulous.

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